Social Isolation

What is Social Isolation?
Social isolation describes a situation where someone doesn’t have very many social contacts and feels lonely.
As people age, they often find themselves spending more time alone. This is not just a social problem—it can affect our well-being and our mental and physical health. Everyone needs social contact to stay healthy.
Health Impacts of Social Isolation
Loneliness and social isolation in older adults can lead to
- Frailty
- Malnutrition
- Depression and anxiety
- Early death
- A decrease in physical ability
- A decrease in mental ability
- An increase in habits such as drinking, smoking, and spending too much time sitting
Socially isolated older adults have
- a higher likelihood of falls
- a four-to-five times greater risk of going into hospital
- a 50% higher risk of dementia
Adults who are socially isolated have longer hospital stays and end up back in the hospital more often than those with meaningful and supportive social connections.
Research also shows that loneliness is connected to health conditions such as higher blood pressure, heart disease, inflammation, and obesity.
Understanding and preventing social isolation and loneliness is good way to improve older adults’ physical and mental health.
Why is Social Isolation a Challenge for Older Adults?
As we age, many things can happen that can make us less socially active:
- Physical limits—moving around becomes more difficult
- Hearing and vision loss
- Chronic health conditions—often more than one
- The loss of family and friends
- Separation from long-term friends and family because of moving into a care home or retirement community
How to Protect Against Social Isolation
It’s often easier to maintain friendships than to create new ones. Make it a priority now to stay socially connected. Notice if your social circles are getting smaller and if so, take action.
If you are in poor health, you may be more likely to be socially isolated and lonely. And if you are socially isolated, that can make you less healthy. Help prevent this cycle by
- staying active
- eating well
- getting enough sleep
- getting your hearing and vision tested regularly
- seeing health care providers when needed
Almost every community in B.C. has a seniors’ centre or community centre and other options for social connection. See the Resources section below to find out what is available in your neighbourhood.
Making new friends can be very satisfying, but it’s not the only way to get socially connected. Strengthening existing friendships can also help. Look for ways to turn acquaintances into friends and build more closeness into casual friendships.
Volunteering is a great way to make a difference, meet people, and become part of a caring community. Older adults are valued volunteers and there are many opportunities available. Volunteering can happen informally, like checking in on a neighbour who might need help or cooking a meal for someone.
Join a cause, group, or activity based on what you believe in. Depending on your personal beliefs, a faith-based organization can connect you to a caring community. You might join an environmental organization or another cause that your care about.
If you don’t drive, try using public transit to get out and about. B.C. Transit offers a Community Travel Training service. This service connects you to a trainer who will help you figure out public transit. They will focus on your travel needs. Also, B.C. Transit offers an orientation program that teaches people how to board a bus with a wheelchair, walker or scooter. To find these programs, click on the links or call 250-545-7221.
Getting together in person is best, but video chats, phone calls, email, and social media help meet some social needs. If you are not confident with technology, sign up for a class at your local library or community centre, or ask a young person in your neighbourhood for a lesson.
Doctors and other health care workers understand that social isolation is a health issue. They can listen to you and suggest actions based on your situation and personality.
Who is Most at Risk of Social Isolation?
Researchers have studied social isolation and found that certain situations and behaviours put some people more at risk.
Social isolation is a bigger problem for older adults who face challenging life and health situations, such as people who:
- Live alone;
- Don’t have the language skills needed to find and get services;
- Lack access to transportation, health, and community services;
- Lack access to support because they are physical isolated;
- Live with low income;
- Lack safe, secure housing;
- Have more than one chronic health problem;
- Are members of vulnerable communities such as immigrant, LGBTQ+, or Indigenous;
- Have lower levels of formal education;
- Experience life transitions such as retirement, death of a spouse, or losing a driver’s license;
- Are caregivers.
How to Help
Friends, family members, and caregivers can play a role in preventing social isolation. If you see someone you care about becoming socially isolated, you can help:
- Spend time with them
- Connect them to activities and programs in the community
- If you can, let them know you are available for practical support like mowing the lawn, taking them to a medical appointment, or being on-call for emergencies
- Use the resources listed below or ask people in the neighbourhood what’s available, and share this information
Follow-Up is Essential
Your help can be more effective if you stay involved. Don’t just tell someone about a resource—hand them the phone and sit with them while they call. Or drive them to an event. Check in with later them to ask if they’ve followed up on a suggestion, signed up for a program, or made an appointment. Talk to them a few weeks later to see if they’ve continued. This will help turn information into action.
The Power of Community
Most of us are familiar with the saying, “It takes a community to raise a child.” People are also learning that it takes a community to keep our older adults healthy. Just stopping to chat with a neighbour can make a difference.
Social Isolation by the Numbers
Number of Canadians say they are lonely
of older adults experience loneliness
of people over the age of 80 report feeling lonely
of adults 65 years or older and living in the community suffer from depression
of adults 65 or older living in residential care have been diagnosed with depression or showed symptoms of depression without diagnosis
Tinkering Together: Men’s Sheds Combat Social Isolation

You might not think of a shed as a healthcare location, but an international movement called ‘Men’s Sheds’ is proving that getting together to tinker, make stuff, and just hang out has health benefits.
Men’s Sheds have taken off in British Columbia, with over 65 Men’s Sheds around the Province. The movement is growing, with new sheds popping up, especially in rural areas. Evidence is also growing, supporting Men’s Sheds as a way to combat social isolation and thus improve mental and physical health for older men.
What is a Men’s Shed?
These community non-profit initiatives use the word ‘shed’ mainly in spirit. ‘Shedders,’ as they are called, can meet in any informal place to share skills, work on projects, and talk.
Once established, Men’s Shed groups often take on community projects like making public benches, frames for garden beds, or accessibility ramps. But not all shed activity is trades-and-tools oriented. Sheds also host cooking, music, and anything that members want to do.
History of Men’s Sheds
The Men’s Shed movement began in Australia in 1993. Founder Maxine Chaseling noticed her father struggling to mentally and emotionally recover from a heart attack. He didn’t enjoy organized activities at the local community centre, preferring to work in his shed. Eventually, other men joined him, taking on small woodworking projects and fixing lawn mowers for neighbours.
Chaseling saw that shed culture could offer a much-needed meeting place for older men. With her initial impetus, Men’s Sheds sprang up all over Australia and then around the world. There are now over 3000 Men’s Sheds globally.
Men’s Sheds and Men’s Health
Men are more likely than women to be socially isolated. Social isolation is linked with many health problems, from heart issues to stroke, dementia, and depression. Also, people who are socially isolated do not live as long as those with good social networks.
Men make up 75% of all suicide deaths overall, and 80 – 85% in older age groups. They account for up to 75% of substance use disorder diagnoses (addiction). Yet only 30% of people who seek professional help are men, and men are less likely than women to participate in organized community programs. Older men are particularly vulnerable because after retirement, loss of social identity and a sense of purpose contribute to depression and loneliness.
Men’s Sheds aim to overcome these barriers by offering a shared activity that feels natural and reflects traditional ways of gathering. Sheds are self-organized, casual, and open to anyone.

A 2018 study by the United Kingdom Men’s Sheds Association showed that, due to participating in a Men’s Shed:
of ‘shedders’ felt less anxiety, and
felt less depression
As well, other research shows a rise in self esteem.
Men’s Sheds also offer a place for men to get health information, whether through informal conversation at a workbench, or via information stands and health news shared on online social networks connected to the shed.
Starting a Men’s Shed
Anyone can start a Men’s Shed. Sheds are a grassroots movement based on mutual aid. Experienced Shedders are happy to provide advice and support to anyone interested in creating a shed. There are no hard and fast rules, and every shed can be unique, reflecting the desires, needs, and vision of the founders and the community.
Men’s Sheds Canada has a page full of information, including a Canadian Tool Kit, for starting a shed.
Major funders including the United Way and Help Age Canada have recognized Men’s Sheds and offered start-up grants and other funding. The Men’s Shed Association of BC offers current information on grants, samples of successful grant applications, as well help creating a grant proposal. Also, you can contact this organization to be put in touch with other men’s sheds, learn about events, find mentors, and connect to online men’s sheds networks.
Learn More
BC 211
- View website
- 211 British Columbia is a free, confidential service that connects people to helpful resources in their community. It operates all day and night and provides advice in over 240 languages.
- Call 2-1-1 anytime, or go to their website to search their on-line directory.
Social Connections (Community Resources for Seniors)
- View website
- This Province of British Columbia website provides links to places and programs that help older adults find social connection. It includes libraries, volunteer opportunities, sports associations, cultural centres, and more.
Pathways Community Services Directory
- This website lets you search for health and community programs according to your location
- View directory
55+ BC Games
- The 55+ BC Games, formerly the BC Seniors Games, give those aged 55+ the chance to compete in events ranging from dragon-boating and ice hockey to cribbage and one-act plays
- Learn More
HealthLinkBC: Build Positive Relationships
HealthLinkBC: Social Connections
Canadian Frailty Network: Interact
- Explores the connection between loneliness and frailty and provides recommendations
- Learn More
Immigrant Services Society of British Columbia
Aboriginal Friendship Centres
- Find a friendship centre near you
- View website
B.C. Elders Communication Society
- An organization dedicated to ensuring that B.C.’s First Nations Elders all know that they are valued, that their legacy will be preserved, and that their feelings and culture matter
- View website
Keeping Our Nlakapamux Elders at Home
- Read about an initiative to keep elders engaged in their community
- Learn More
- A British Columbia organization dedicated to improving queer, trans, and Two-Spirit lives through services, connection, and leadership
- Learn More