How To Use This Site

How can you use this website?

Older adult or care partner/peer

Check out the Health Topics section to find:

  • Common topics about healthy aging and frailty;
  • What to know and do to stay healthy;
  • Resources to support your aging/caregiving journey;
  • Info that is easy to print out and share with friends, families, and your care providers.

Look at the Resources page to find more support, knowledge, and programs throughout B.C.

Complete a short assessment on the Healthy Aging Assessment page and find out about your frailty level and what you can do to avoid frailty.

Learn about exciting projects that explore healthy aging, and, if you want, participate in them, on the Research page.

Click on the Education Module to sign up for courses and webinars on how to avoid frailty.

Health care professional

Check out the Healthy Aging Info section to find knowledge and resources for yourself and your clients. There are:

  • Common topics about healthy aging and frailty;
  • What to know and do to stay healthy;
  • Resources to support your clients’ aging/caregiving journey;
  • Info that is easy to print out and share with friends, families, and your clients.

Access the Education Module for health care professionals to learn how to identify, prevent, and manage frailty for your client.

Look at the Resources page to find support, knowledge, and programs throughout B.C. to complement your care planning.

On the Frailty Assessment page, find an electronic frailty assessment tool designed to identify and monitor your clients’ frailty.

Learn about exciting projects for yourself or your client that explore healthy aging on the Research page.


Please feel free to browse any sections of the website for knowledge and resources on healthy aging. Two sections are designated for you:

Knowledge Translation

We welcome any knowledge translation materials that support healthy aging and would love to help you showcase them. Please reach out to Margaret Lin, Program Coordinator, at if you would like to share your materials.


Are you recruiting older adults, care partners, or health care providers for your research/project on healthy aging/frailty prevention? Please reach out to Margaret Lin, Program Coordinator, at if you’d like to share your research opportunity on this webpage.